The WORD with Senior Apostle John Chi
Proof text/ text de reference: Matthew 21:1-3
People of God, the Bible says that obeying God at first may seem hard until you come to see that all He asks is for your good and makes life full and free. Many today are clever in hearing the message but are not clever in obeying it. To receive God’s word in your heart requires openness and hunger for God’s message. No one can do as Jesus Christ unless he lives as Jesus Christ. Christianity has two sides – theory and practical. For us to enter the practical side of it, we must understand that what God wants from us is far more than just saying: ‘Thank You Lord for healing me’, for delivering me, and for teaching me’. Obedience is the only proof of your faith in God. The faith we are talking about exists in three levels: Knowledge of the Truth, acceptance of the Truth, and commitment to the Truth. God’s Word is the Seed of divine life that comes into our hearts and causes faith to grow. Jesus is the Living Word and the Bread of Life. His Spirit is our Guide and His Word is our Vision, our Director, and our Roadmap. This will cause you to act with God. Faith sees the invisible, believes the impossible, and receives the incredible. The moment young Samuel knew that the Word was God speaking to him, he obeyed and became a communicator between the visible world and the invisible. Every time you act on the Word of God, something enters your heart and increases your assurance and confidence. When you approach a situation by faith, there is no limit to what you can achieve. Those who obey His instruction seek two qualities – righteousness and humility (Proverbs 15:33). God’s word cannot fail without God failing.