April 14, 2024

Series: Sunday Service

The WORD with Senior Apostle John Chi of the Ark of God’s Covenant Ministry
Proof text / Mark – Marc: 6:2-6
Excerpt – Extrait:
People of God, if you base your judgment on what circumstances look like, or read about someone in Newspapers, you have not looked deep enough. If outward circumstances control your feelings and your feelings control your faith, you can be a Christian yet controlled by satanic devices. The unbelief of the people of biblical times was based on what they saw. They judged Jesus from the outside and only saw him as the son of a carpenter born in their mist and who grew up in their presence. Under such an atmosphere of unbelief, it was difficult for Christ to be at his best. That is why he would not perform miracles in his own country. Such Pharisees and Seducees are very much present in our community today. Their common language is: “By what power is he doing this? Who is his mentor?” What people do not understand, they call names. When they understand, they try to destroy it. I pray your enemies do not understand you until you have accomplished God’s desire for your life. Jesus was ignored because of his advanced form of wisdom and faith. Christ kind of love says: “Love your neighbor as yourself. Love your enemies. Do good to those who hate you”. Your neighbor could be anyone who does not share the same faith with you. During difficult moments, know that a breakthrough is coming. The more your trials, the closer you are to your breakthrough. In life, there are four kinds of people – those who add and multiply to your life and those who subtract and divide from your life. So, be careful about the relationship you keep. Those who will add and multiply to your life are led by God. If you are doing good and people do not appreciate you, keep doing good. Remain focused because broken focus is the reason why men fail.

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