WORD with Senior Apostle John Chi.

WORD with Senior Apostle John Chi.

July 8, 2024

Series: Sunday Service

Topic: TRUST

Book: Psalm 146

People of God, the unpleasant situation you may be facing today is as a result of your hasty trust. Many have been duped by dishonest people because they were too quick to trust.
Many marriages end today in disappointment because the people involved are too quick to trust. If a relationship must grow, it has to start in a weak form. The Bible says find out the truth and the truth shall set you free (John 8:32). In the process of ‘finding out’ we are probing, investigating and making sure of all things in order to hold fast to that which is fine (1 Thessalonians 5:21). There are four kinds of people: those who add, those who multiply, those who subtract and those who divide. Each relationship would affect you for either good or bad. Choose your companions with care lest you become what they are (Proverbs 13:20). Remember that every human being has some measure of latent (dormant) character traits that are usually nurtured or nourished by the kind of relationships they keep. For instance, the environment in the church would not support such vices as smoking, alcoholism and the like. Everybody has some character traits that are inborn. Those character traits could be latent and dormant in you. If you keep the company of those who would increase your life, the latent/ dormant strength in you would be nurtured/ nourished.
If you keep the company of those who would decrease your life, the weakness or the latent vices in you would be nurtured and they decrease your strength or virtues. I mean the goodness in you before would be affected negatively. When you make friends, don’t be too quick to trust them until they prove to you that their love for you is unconditional – that which cannot change overnight. When true friends fight, it does not affect their relationship. True friends must have mutual trust.
For more of this message, watch Ark of God TV.

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