The WORD with Senior Apostle John Chi
Message title / titre du message: WHAT GOD REQUIRES / CE QUE L’ETERNEL EXIGE
Proof text / texte de reference: 1 Samuel 15:22
People of God, what the Almighty requires of us is planted in our heart; it does not consist in the fat of rams, burnt offerings or costly sacrifices. It does not consist of waving of hands in worship without a thorough reformation of heart and life. Worship must be pure; Sacrifices are to be offered from a pure heart because true Christianity lies in the purity of the heart. In I Samuel 15:22 – Samuel said to king Saul “It is better to obey the Lord than to sacrifice the best sheep to Him.” Rebellion against God is as bad as witchcraft just as arrogance is as sinful as idolatry. It is easier to part with your belongings but very difficult to part with sin.
God requires of us – a broken and contrite spirit, a humble, repentant, penitent and sincere spirit, a heart that does not gossip. Man may do much by outward restraints but lack the character of God in their resolution. You will hear some say: “my pastor is coming, so I don’t want to smoke; i will not drink alcohol again.” No one can say no to sin without the help of the Holy Spirit. Remember that wicked people also fast and pray for many days without a thorough reformation of heart and life. They come to church as children of God do. They are very versed in the scriptures. They will hold unto the outward form of religion but reject its real power. Obeying God at first may seem hard, until you come to see that all He ask is for your good and makes life full and free. If you say you have faith in God, you must have knowledge of the Truth, accept the Truth, and be committed to the Truth. God’s Word is the Seed of divine life that comes into our hearts and causes faith to grow. Every time you act on the Word of God, s a gift from God enters your heart that increases your assurance and confidence. The moment young Samuel knew that the Word was God speaking to him, he obeyed. He began to think with God, plan with God and act with God. As a Christian, act on God’s Word.