We believe that we are called to love and welcome all people of all socio-economic backgrounds, ethnicities, races, nationalities and gender identities.
We believe that all who place their Faith in JESUS CHRIST and seek to be his disciple may become members of our church.
We honour God and honour people. We place the same value on people, relationships and everything else in our world that God does. We choose to see our world with heaven’s eyes.
The mission of Ark of the God Covenant Ministry is to demonstrate God’s Power, love for everyone worldwide through the teachings and preaching of His Word, Healing of the sick, deliverance from all sorts of affliction as well as hearing the mind of God, through His Humble Servant Senior Apostle John Chi.
Our evangelism is carried out through several mediums such as via television ministry, the internet, and through radio. We also plan to introduce several books into the marketplace. Workshops will be made available through videos and live stream so that congregants can apply our teachings to their own lives at their convenience for the salvation of their soul.
There is a nation to build a world to change and you are also included.
Ark of God’s Covenant Ministry (AGCOM) came about through a revelation.
I am Apostle John Chi. When God called me by his grace and used his servant Prophet TB Joshua to anoint me and entrusted the light of the Word in me, I was overwhelmed by this grace. But, I had this burden in my heart to take this light to my people. In my supplication to God about his vision, I experienced a remarkable encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ on the 2nd week of July 2013.
Apostle John Chi
Founder – AGCOM
“I had Difficulty in Walking Due to Lumbar Spondylosis after coming to Ark of God’s Covenant Ministry (AGCOM), I was healed in Jesus Holy Name”
I could hardly walk due to chronic degenerative osteoarthritis. I thought I would be put on crutches for the rest of her life. I came to Ark of God’s Covenant Ministry (AGCOM), and I thank God that I was healed.